Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 54 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA Fondata in 2010, INATECH Packaging este una dintre cele mai mari companii din industria de packaging din Romania, avand o gama completa de produse, inclusiv ambalaje pentru protectie si sisteme automate pentru ambalare. In cadrul expozitiei PackShow, INATECH Packaging propune o gama completa demasini si utilaje de ambalare, printre care: masina automata verticala pentru legat cu banda PP si PET, masini pentru ambalat colete, roboti si masini automate pentru paletizare, echipamente pentru depozit, sisteme de ambalare, mese profesionale pentru ambalare, dar si cele mai solicitate si inovatoare tipuri de ambalaje, precum: ambalaje e-commerce, ambalaje personalizate, ambalaje ecologice, dar si ambalaje termoizolante in conditii de temperatura controlata. Founded in 2010, INATECH Packaging is one of the largest companies in the packaging industry in Romania, having a full range of products, including protective packaging and automatic packaging systems. Within the Pack Show exhibition, INATECH Packaging proposes a full range of packaging machines and equipment, including: automatic vertical PP and PET tape binding machines, parcel packaging machines, robots and automatic palletizing machines, warehouse equipment, packaging systems, professional packaging tables, but also the most demanded and innovative types of packaging, such as: e-commerce packaging, customized packaging, eco-friendly packaging, as well as thermal insulation packaging under controlled temperature conditions. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English INATECH PACKAGING Stand 47 Adresa: Str. Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 393, Domnesti, Ilfov Tel: 0749240966 E-mail: Web: Contact INATECH PACKAGING