Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 17 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA Compania Andropapp este un producator si distribuitor specializat in produse din carton ondulat, oferind o gama variata de solutii de ambalare adaptate nevoilor clientilor nostri. Suntemdedicati producerii cutiilor pentru e-comert, standurilor POSM si cutiilor din carton in diverse dimensiuni pentru transportul marfurilor. Cu o experienta solida in domeniu, ne-am angajat sa aplicam intelegereaprofunda in solutii personalizatepentru ambalaje din carton. Misiunea noastra la Andropapp este sa oferim clienților noștri soluții personalizate și durabile, bazate pe o viziune clara si o atentie deosebita acordata calitatii si consistentei. Prin colaborari stranse si inovatie constanta, ne straduim sa depasim asteptarile clientilor si sa devenim lideri recunoscuti in industria ambalajelor din carton. Sloganul nostru, “Think insight the box”, reflecta angajamentul nostru fata de gandirea creativa si solutiile personalizate. Ne bazampe valorile: Consistenta, Viziune si Solutii pentru a ghida fiecare aspect al activitatii noastre si pentru a oferi produse si servicii de cea mai inalta calitate clientilor nostri. Andropapp is a specialized manufacturer and distributor of corrugated cardboard products, offering a wide range of packaging solutions tailored to our customers’ needs. We are dedicated to producing boxes for e-commerce, POSM stands, and cardboard boxes in various dimensions for transporting goods. With a strong experience in the field, we are committed to translating deep thinking into innovative solutions for cardboard packaging. Our mission at Andropapp is to provide our customers with personalized and durable solutions, based on a clear vision and a special attention to quality and consistency. Through close collaborations and constant innovation, we strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and become recognized leaders in the cardboard packaging industry. Our slogan, “Think insight the box,” reflects our commitment to creative thinking and innovative solutions. We rely on the values of Consistency, Vision, and Solutions to guide every aspect of our business and to offer products and services of the highest quality to our customers. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ANDROPAPP Stand 53 Adresa: Bucuresti Sectorul 4, Bulevardul Constantin Tel: +40 731 007 835 E-mail: Web: www. Contact ANDROPAPP