Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 16 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA Infiintata in 1990 ca o intreprindere de familie, Anaconda Group este primul producator de masini de suflat PET din Bulgaria si Peninsula Balcanica. In prezent, compania joaca un rol de lider in Bulgaria si tarile din sud-estul Europei in productia si vanzarea de produse din material PET. Procesul de productie al Anaconda se concentreaza pe trei linii principale de produse: 1. Inginerie completa in proiectarea si productia de masini inovatoare automate si semi-automate de turnat prin suflare a sticlei PET, care reprezinta o dezvoltare interna a Anaconda. Atunci cand proiecteaza si fabrica masini PET, compania ofera posibilitatea unor solutii de inginerie individuale adaptate nevoilor specifice ale afacerii clientului. Anaconda ofera si service post-productie. 2. Proiectare si producere de matrite pentru suflarea sticlelor PET si matrite pentru sablare ambalaje din plastic, care au un design unic si sunt adaptate nevoilor si cerintelor individuale ale clientului. 3. Producerea a peste 900 de modele de sticle PET conform unui proiect individual - forma, culoare, volume de la 50 ml pana la 11 l. Sticlele PET pot fi fabricate atat din plastic proaspat, cat si din plastic reciclat. Grupul Anaconda produce sticle PET pentru apăminerala, bauturi racoritoare, bauturi carbogazoase, bere si bauturi cu continut scazut de alcool, lapte si produse lactate, sucuri si punchuri, uleiuri si uleiuri vegetale, otet si acidulanti, detergenti si agenti de curatare Established in 1990 as a family enterprise, Anaconda Group is the first manufacturer of PET blow moulding machines in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. Nowadays, the company plays a leading role in Bulgaria and the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the production and sale of products made of PET material. Themanufacturing process of Anaconda Group is focused on three main product lines: 1. Complete engineering in the design and production of innovative automatic and semi-automatic PET bottle blow moulding machines which are an in-house development of Anaconda Group. When designing and manufacturing PET machines, the company offers the possibility of individual engineering solutions tailored to the specifics needs of the customer’s business. Anaconda Group also provides post-production servicing. 2. Design and production of moulds for the blowing of PET bottles and moulds for the blasting of plastic packaging, which have a unique design and are tailored to the individual needs and requirements of the client. 3. Production of more than 900 models of PET bottles according to an individual project - shape, color, volumes from 50 ml up to 11 l. PET bottles can be made from both fresh and recycled plastic. Anaconda Group produces PET bottles for mineral water, soft drinks, carbonated drinks, beer and low-alcohol drinks, milk and milk products, juices and punches, oil and vegetable oils, vinegar and acidulants, detergents and cleaning agents, technical liquids Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ANACONDA TECHNOLOGY Stand 17 Adresa: Bulgaria, 5800 Pleven, 40 Industrialna Tel: +359 886 20 20 20 E-mail: Web: Contact ANACONDA GROUP