Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 107 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA GRUPUL VRANCART activeaza in piata din Romania prin companiile sale – VRANCART, ROM PAPER, VRANCART RECYCING si ECOREP GROUP – asigurand atat colectarea cat si reciclarea deseurilor de hartie si carton in produse finite de uz general. VRANCART, este este cel mai mare colector de deseuri de hartie din Romania precumsi unul din principalii jucatori pe piata produselor de carton ondulat si a hartiilor igienico- sanitare. In cei peste 40 de ani de experienta VRANCART S.A. a dovedit continuu implicarea in activitatile de mediu prin dezvoltarea capacitatilor de colectare, reciclare, productie si servicii. VRANCART Recycling, dezvolta, in prezent, o investitie strategica de peste 17 mil. EURO in vederea realizarii unor linii destinate reciclarii deseurilor de ambalaje, complementare celor reciclate in momentul de fata. ROM PAPER, este unul din cei mai importanti procesatori de hartii igenico-sanitare din Romania. Produsele 100% romanesti furnizate de ROM PAPER au o multipla aplicabilitate pentru zona uz casnic, industrial si HoReCa. ECOREP GROUP S.A., cea mai noua membra a Grupului VRANCART, asigura indeplinirea obligatiilor legale privind atingerea obiectivelor de reciclare si valorificare a ambalajelor introduse pe piata in baza Licentei de operare nr.14 din mai 2021. Prin intermediul tuturor activitatilor pe care le desfasoara in piata din Romania, Grupul VRANCART si-a asumat implicarea directa in dezvoltarea durabila a economiei The VRANCART GROUP has been active in the Romanian market through its companies – VRANCART, ROM PAPER, VRANCART RECYCING and the ECOREP GROUP – ensuring both the collection and recycling of paper and cardboard waste into finite products for general use. VRANCART is the largest collector of paper waste in Romania, as well as one of the main players in the corrugated cardboard and sanitary paper market. With over 40 years of experience, VRANCART S.A., has continuously proven its involvement in environmental activities by developing its collection, recycling, production, and services capabilities. VRANCART Recycling is currently developing a strategic investment, in excess of 17 million euros, in order to achieve new recycling processes for packaging waste, complementary to those currently recycled. ROM PAPER is one of the most important producers of sanitary paper in Romania. The products provided by ROM PAPER are 100% Romanian and have a wide applicability for home, industrial and HoReCa use. ECOREP GROUP S.A., the newest member of the VRANCART Group, ensures the fulfilment of companies’ legal obligations regarding reaching the recycling and recovery objectives of packaging waste introduced on the market, based on the operating License no. 14 of May 2021. Through all the activities it carries out in the Romanian market, the VRANCART Group has assumed a direct involvement in the sustainable development of the circular economy Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English VRANCART Stand 64 Adresa: Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 17, Adjud, Vrancea, 625100 Tel: +40 (237) 64 08 00 E-mail: Web: Contact